CES2016まとめ - ”TRUE”Bluetoothワイヤレスイヤホンというジャンル


You can only be the first kid on the block to have something so many times in your life, and we think $250 is a small price to pay for something that is not only novel, but genuinely useful and entertaining. Perhaps the Earin aren’t ideal for marathoners, triathletes, long-haul cyclists, or frequent long-distance fliers, but for those who enjoy their music for hours — not days — at a time, we can think of no earbud that provides as much freedom, fun, and straight-up excellent sound quality as the Earin. We think this little startup did an outstanding job with its first product, now we just want to see it ramp up production, and show us what it’s got for us next.

Bragi Dash


With the Dash, you just swipe on the left earbud and the ambient noise around you suddenly appears in your earbuds. Better yet, Bragi has done some especially tricky software work to make that ambient noise sound like it's coming from the corresponding direction. If someone is speaking to the right of you, it sounds like their voice is coming from that direction. You can do this while music is playing or not, and it's the kind of feature that you wind up wanting on any pair of headphones even after using it just one time.
from TheVerge
Bragi's The Dash biometric headphones are on course to ship to nearly 16,000 Kickstarter backers this December. That's the latest from Bragi's Kickstarter campaign page which says that The Dash has received all the necessary FFC, CE and Bluetooth certifications and production is ramping up.



Onkyo W800BT


The W800BT earbuds are sort of hidden in one of the many rows of products inside the massive Gibson Guitars tent right near our trailer. But once I found them, I fought my better judgement and gave the floor models for a spin. The room was noisy thanks to a house band that was sloppily attempting a Stevie Ray Vaughan cover in the corner, but from what I could hear, they sounded pretty great. (If anything they sounded a little flat, but you're not going to get extreme bass performance this early in the wireless earbud game anyway.)
from TheVerge
The Onkyo W800BT earbuds are gorgeous as well as compact. Everything we hoped for in truly wireless earbuds. The worry comes with losing the two separate buds. Thanks to the carry case, with built-in charger cable, this shouldn't be much of an issue. Of course waiting for them to recharge in a case could be inconvenient. But at this size what do you expect? At around £220 the sound quality is good enough to keep us happy if it means never having to untangle our earphones ever again.



Verve VerveOnes


Most wireless Bluetooth earbuds aren’t truly wireless: While there’s no wire connecting them to your phone, there’s still a wire connecting the buds to each other. But Verve’s VerveOnes (and their slightly jazzier counterparts, the VerveOnes+) are truly wireless—each bud is its own individual entity. The buds can even be used independently of each other, for example, if you wanted to use just one as a Bluetooth headset for taking calls.
from TechHive



Altec Lansing Freedom


Altec Lansingは、「CES 2016」において、左右完全ワイヤレスのBluetoothイヤフォン「Freedom True Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds」や、ビデオカメラが付いたヘッドフォン「DVR DJ-Style Headphones」を出展している。いずれも米国では'16年第2四半期に発売予定で、価格は、Freedomが199.99ドル、DVR DJ-Style Headphonesが149.99ドルの見込み。
from AVWatch
One of the most visceral fears about truly wireless earbuds is how easy it would be to lose them. Altec Lansing thinks it can calm those nerves with the Freedom earbuds — wireless earbuds that use a companion app and a "Bluetooth-based GPS" system to keep track of their location.
These ugly wireless earbuds tell you where you lost them from TheVerge





In my experience, Kleer delivers significantly better audio quality than Bluetooth, and it has better range, too: Up to 50, compared to 30 feet for Bluetooth). But that audio quality comes at a price, of course, and that price is battery life: The WireFree earbuds offer about four hours of playtime, while most Bluetooth headphones will give you between 12 and 20 hours.
from TechHive




ハイレゾ製品の注目は、ワイヤレスにも対応したh.earシリーズ。ノイズキャンセリング機能も搭載したヘッドフォンの「h.ear on Wireless NC」、ネックバンド型のユニットとイヤフォンを組み合わせた「h.ear in Wireless」、スピーカーでも同シリーズに加わった「h.ear go」を、それぞれ春に発売する。いずれも、Bluetooth接続において高音質コーデックのLDACに対応。ハイレゾ/LDAC対応ウォークマンとの組み合わせで高品位なままワイヤレスでも楽しめるようになった。NFCもサポートし、ウォークマンやスマホとワンタッチでペアリングできる。また、h.earシリーズ共通の特徴である鮮やかなカラーリングも継承している。
from AVWatch
米Qualcommは5日(米国時間)、高音質Bluetoothコーデック「aptX」の上位バージョンとなる「aptX HD」を発表した。これまでのaptXは16bitオーディオまでの対応となっていたが、aptX HDでは24bitの伝送が可能になる。aptX HD対応のSoCプラットフォーム「CSR8675」も提供開始する。
from AVWatch

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orz.game: CES2016まとめ - ”TRUE”Bluetoothワイヤレスイヤホンというジャンル
CES2016まとめ - ”TRUE”Bluetoothワイヤレスイヤホンというジャンル
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